Sunday, July 3, 2011

Videos taken on 4th of July weekend

Honored to also have my video (F-16's) 


Julie said...

Thanks for putting up the video. We would've come down this weekend if I hadn't sprained my ankle.

PoesyGirl said...

Great post! Those jets were sooo loud when they went over!

Anonymous said...

I love the song "Jerusalem Ridge" that you have on the first video. I think it's Mark O'Conner's best, so I was sad that he didn't play it at the concert.

Anonymous said...

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA .... you know the video of the YA's? well you managed to capture the moment my dress flew open. You can't see it, but when the float moves a little farther down you can see me tying my dress back together while everyone else drops into a squat. hahaha

Andy McLain said...

That's too funny! So basically you're telling me that I should have been on the other side of the float while taking this video clip :D